Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums

Dr. Dave Cavender Trumpet
Orchestra Hit

Pat McCaffrey Trumpet
Orchestra Hit

Pat McCaffrey Trombone
Oh Oh Down south south of the bo-der at a new sun ri-se well a work-in wo-man hates law and or-der oo those cha-quit-as with in-cred-i-ble thi-ghs Too hard to han-dl-e they\'re too hard for you Too hard to han-dl-e they\'re too hard they\'re too tough for you Small time gam-bler lays down his mon-ey to play some five card stu-ud but the big time win-ner real-ly was the lo-ser he caught a case of an un-luck-y lo-v-e Too hard to han-dl-e too hard for you Too hard to han-dl-e cause sweet Lo-li-ta\'s hot-ter than a pep-per you know her pep-per\'s gon-na burn you in t-w-o she\'s a young man\'s dream eve-ry mot-her\'s nightmare pure wo-man through and thro-ugh don\'t take no chan-ces on hot ro-man-ces such as this one it may hap-pen to y-o-u Too hard to han-dl-e too hard for you Too hard to han-dl-e \'cause there\'s no fu-ture with a snake eyed lov-er she\'s hung up on those ups and dow-ns but if your lon-ley think yo-u\'re the on-ly her love\'s the best it\'s the hott-est in to-wn Yes ah Too hard too Ha-n-dle Too hard they\'re to-oo ha-a-a-a-a-a-a-ard